Marginal Tax Rates
This chart should only be used for estimating the tax on certain types of income within rate brackets for Ontario residents, and not for doing detailed calculations.
Year 2023
Taxable Income | Tax | Income | Capital Gain | Eligible Dividend | Non-eligible Dividend |
$ 0 | $ 0 | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% |
15,001 | 0 | 15.00% | 7.50% | 0.00% | 6.87% |
16,231 | 185 | 25.10% | 12.55% | 0.00% | 11.61% |
21,320 | 1,462 | 20.05% | 10.03% | 0.00% | 9.24% |
49,232 | 7,058 | 24.15% | 12.08% | 0.00% | 13.95% |
53,360 | 8,055 | 29.65% | 14.83% | 7.56% | 20.28% |
86,699 | 17,940 | 31.48% | 15.74% | 8.92% | 22.38% |
98,464 | 21,644 | 33.89% | 16.95% | 12.24% | 25.16% |
102,136 | 22,888 | 37.91% | 18.95% | 17.79% | 29.78% |
106,718 | 24,625 | 43.41% | 21.70% | 25.38% | 36.10% |
150,001 | 43,413 | 44.97% | 22.48% | 27.53% | 37.90% |
165,431 | 50,353 | 48.29% | 24.14% | 32.11% | 41.72% |
220,001 | 76,705 | 49.85% | 24.92% | 34.26% | 43.51% |
235,676 | 84,519 | 53.53% | 26.76% | 39.34% | 47.74% |
Year 2022
Taxable Income | Tax | Income | Capital Gain | Eligible Dividend | Non-eligible Dividend |
$ 0 | $ 0 | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% |
14,399 | 0 | 15.00% | 7.50% | 0.00% | 6.87% |
16,231 | 275 | 25.10% | 12.55% | 0.00% | 11.61% |
21,320 | 1,552 | 20.05% | 10.03% | 0.00% | 9.24% |
46,227 | 6,546 | 24.15% | 12.08% | 0.00% | 13.95% |
50,198 | 7,505 | 29.65% | 14.83% | 7.56% | 20.28% |
81,410 | 16,759 | 31.48% | 15.74% | 8.92% | 22.38% |
92,455 | 20,236 | 33.89% | 16.95% | 12.24% | 25.16% |
95,908 | 21,407 | 37.91% | 18.95% | 17.79% | 29.78% |
100,393 | 23,107 | 43.41% | 21.70% | 25.38% | 36.10% |
150,001 | 44,641 | 44.97% | 22.48% | 27.53% | 37.90% |
155,626 | 47,171 | 48.35% | 24.18% | 32.20% | 41.78% |
220,001 | 78,297 | 49.91% | 24.96% | 34.35% | 43.58% |
221,709 | 79,149 | 53.53% | 26.76% | 39.34% | 47.74% |
Year 2021
Taxable Income | Tax | Income | Capital Gain | Eligible Dividend | Non-eligible Dividend |
$ 0 | $ 0 | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% |
13,809 | 0 | 15.00% | 7.50% | 0.00% | 6.87% |
15,851 | 306 | 25.10% | 12.55% | 0.00% | 11.63% |
20,822 | 1,554 | 20.05% | 10.03% | 0.00% | 9.24% |
45,143 | 6,430 | 24.15% | 12.08% | 0.00% | 13.95% |
49,021 | 7,367 | 29.65% | 14.83% | 7.56% | 20.28% |
79,501 | 16,404 | 31.48% | 15.74% | 8.92% | 22.38% |
90,288 | 19,800 | 33.89% | 16.95% | 12.24% | 25.16% |
93,657 | 20,942 | 37.91% | 18.95% | 17.79% | 29.78% |
98,041 | 22,604 | 43.41% | 21.70% | 25.38% | 36.10% |
150,001 | 45,160 | 44.97% | 22.48% | 27.53% | 37.90% |
151,979 | 46,049 | 48.29% | 24.15% | 32.11% | 41.71% |
216,512 | 77,213 | 51.97% | 25.98% | 37.19% | 45.95% |
220,001 | 79,026 | 53.53% | 26.76% | 39.34% | 47.74% |
Year 2020
Taxable Income | Tax | Income | Capital Gain | Eligible Dividend | Non-eligible Dividend |
$ 0 | $ 0 | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% |
13,230 | 0 | 15.00% | 7.50% | 0.00% | 6.87% |
15,715 | 373 | 25.10% | 12.55% | 0.00% | 11.61% |
20,645 | 1,610 | 20.05% | 10.03% | 0.00% | 9.24% |
44,741 | 6,441 | 24.15% | 12.08% | 0.00% | 13.95% |
45,836 | 7,358 | 29.65% | 14.83% | 7.56% | 20.28% |
78,787 | 16,327 | 31.48% | 15.74% | 8.92% | 22.38% |
89,483 | 19,695 | 33.89% | 16.95% | 12.24% | 25.16% |
92,828 | 20,828 | 37.91% | 18.95% | 17.79% | 29.78% |
97,070 | 22,436 | 43.41% | 21.70% | 25.38% | 36.10% |
150,001 | 45,413 | 46.41% | 23.20% | 29.52% | 37.90% |
150,474 | 45,626 | 47.97% | 23.98% | 31.67% | 41.60% |
214,369 | 76,416 | 51.97% | 25.98% | 37.19% | 45.95% |
220,001 | 79,343 | 53.53% | 26.76% | 39.34% | 47.74% |
Year 2019
Taxable Income | Tax | Income | Capital Gain | Eligible Dividend | Non-eligible Dividend |
$ 0 | $ 0 | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% |
12,070 | 0 | 15.00% | 7.50% | 0.00% | 6.87% |
15,415 | 502 | 25.10% | 12.55% | 0.00% | 10.92% |
20,246 | 1,714 | 20.05% | 10.03% | 0.00% | 8.89% |
43,907 | 6,458 | 24.15% | 12.08% | 0.00% | 13.61% |
47,631 | 7,358 | 29.65% | 14.83% | 7.56% | 19.93% |
77,318 | 16,160 | 31.48% | 15.74% | 8.92% | 22.04% |
87,814 | 19,464 | 33.89% | 16.95% | 12.24% | 24.81% |
91,099 | 20,578 | 37.91% | 18.95% | 17.79% | 29.43% |
5,260 | 22,155 | 43.41% | 21.70% | 25.38% | 35.76% |
147,668 | 44,905 | 46.41% | 23.20% | 29.52% | 39.21% |
150,001 | 45,988 | 47.97% | 23.98% | 31.67% | 41.00% |
210,372 | 74,947 | 51.97% | 25.98% | 37.19% | 45.60% |
220,001 | 79,952 | 53.53% | 26.76% | 39.34% | 47.40% |
Year 2021
Taxable Income | Tax | Income | Capital Gain | Eligible Dividend | Non-eligible Dividend |
Year 2020
Taxable Income | Tax | Income | Capital Gain | Eligible Dividend | Non-eligible Dividend |
Year 2019
Taxable Income | Tax | Income | Capital Gain | Eligible Dividend | Non-eligible Dividend |
Year 2018
Taxable Income | Tax | Income | Capital Gain | Eligible Dividend | Non-eligible Dividend |
Year 2017
Taxable Income | Tax | Income | Capital Gain | Eligible Dividend | Non-eligible Dividend |