Indexed Amounts

Indexed Amounts

Year 2024
 Basic personal amount--
 Basic personal amount - net income for the year is greater than or equal to the amount at which the 33% tax bracket begins14,15612,412
 Basic personal amount - net income for the year is less than or equal to the amount at which the 29% tax bracket begins15,70512,412
 Spousal/equivalent-to-spouse - -
Spousal/equivalent-to-spouse - net income for the year is greater than the amount at which the 33% tax bracket begins14,15610,539
Spousal/equivalent-to-spouse - net income for the year is less than or equal to the amount at which the 29% tax bracket begins15,70510,539
Child under 18 - -
 Infirm dependant amount (over 18) - -
   -Net income threshold - -
Caregiver amount for other infirm dependants age 18 or older8,3755,851
Net income threshold for caregiver amount19,66620,014
 Age amount8,7906,060
Net income threshold for age amount44,32545,115
 Adoption credit19,06615,143
 Pension credit2,2261,717
 Employment credit1,433 -
 Disability amount9,87210,027
   -Supplementary if under 185,7595,847
   -Reduced for child care3,3723,426
   and disability supports - -
   deductions claimed by - -
   anyone in excess of - -
 Medical expense tax credit2,7592,809
  -3% of net income ceiling91,98393,622
 Education & Textbooks - full time - -
  -part time - -
 Tuition and education transfer5,565 -
   (max) - -
 Old Age Security - threshold90,997 -
 to  repay - -
 Top rate of tax begins at246,752244,851
Lifetime capital gains exemption1,016,835 -
Additional exemption for qualified farm or fishing property96,126 -
Year 2023
 Basic personal amount--
 Basic personal amount - net income for the year is greater than or equal to the amount at which the 33% tax bracket begins13,52011,855
 Basic personal amount - net income for the year is less than or equal to the amount at which the 29% tax bracket begins15,00011,855
 Spousal/equivalent-to-spouse - -
Spousal/equivalent-to-spouse - net income for the year is greater than the amount at which the 33% tax bracket begins13,52010,066
Spousal/equivalent-to-spouse - net income for the year is less than or equal to the amount at which the 29% tax bracket begins15,00010,066
Child under 18 - -
 Infirm dependant amount (over 18) - -
   -Net income threshold - -
Caregiver amount for other infirm dependants age 18 or older7,9995,588
Net income threshold for caregiver amount18,78319,116
 Age amount8,3965,788
Net income threshold for age amount42,33543,090
 Adoption credit18,21014,463
 Pension credit2,1261,640
 Employment credit1,368 -
 Disability amount9,4299,577
   -Supplementary if under 185,5005,585
   -Reduced for child care3,2213,272
   and disability supports - -
   deductions claimed by - -
   anyone in excess of - -
 Medical expense tax credit2,6362,683
  -3% of net income ceiling87,85489,419
 Education & Textbooks - full time - -
  -part time - -
 Tuition and education transfer5,315 -
   (max) - -
 Old Age Security - threshold86,912 -
 to  repay - -
 Top rate of tax begins at235,675233,860
Lifetime capital gains exemption971,189 -
Additional exemption for qualified farm or fishing property91,811 -
Year 2022
 Basic personal amount--
 Basic personal amount - net income for the year is greater than or equal to the amount at which the 33% tax bracket begins12,719 11,152
 Basic personal amount - net income for the year is less than or equal to the amount at which the 29% tax bracket begins14,398 $ 11,152
 Spousal/equivalent-to-spouse - -
Spousal/equivalent-to-spouse - net income for the year is greater than the amount at which the 33% tax bracket begins12,7199,470
Spousal/equivalent-to-spouse - net income for the year is less than or equal to the amount at which the 29% tax bracket begins14,3989,470
Child under 18 - -
 Infirm dependant amount (over 18) 0 -
   -Net income threshold0 -
Caregiver amount for other infirm dependants age 18 or older7,525 5,257
Net income threshold for caregiver amount17,670 17,983
 Age amount7,898 5,445
Net income threshold for age amount39,826 40,536
 Adoption credit17,131 13,606
 Pension credit2,000 1,542
 Employment credit1,287 -
 Disability amount8,870 9,010
   -Supplementary if under 185,174 5,254
   -Reduced for child care3,030 3,078
   and disability supports
   deductions claimed by
   anyone in excess of
 Medical expense tax credit2,479 2,524
  -3% of net income ceiling82,647 84,120
 Education & Textbooks - full time0 -
  -part time0 -
 Tuition and education transfer5,000 -
 Old Age Security - threshold81,761 -
 to  repay
 Top rate of tax begins at221,708220,000
Lifetime capital gains exemption 913,630
Additional exemption for qualified farm or fishing property 86,370
Year 2021
 Basic personal amount--
 Basic personal amount - net income for the year is greater than or equal to the amount at which the 33% tax bracket begins12,421 10,891
 Basic personal amount - net income for the year is less than or equal to the amount at which the 29% tax bracket begins13,808 $ 10,891
 Spousal/equivalent-to-spouse - -
Spousal/equivalent-to-spouse - net income for the year is greater than the amount at which the 33% tax bracket begins12,4219,248
Spousal/equivalent-to-spouse - net income for the year is less than or equal to the amount at which the 29% tax bracket begins13,8089,248
Child under 18 - -
 Infirm dependant amount (over 18) 0 -
   -Net income threshold0 -
Caregiver amount for other infirm dependants age 18 or older7,348 5,134
Net income threshold for caregiver amount17,256 17,561
 Age amount7,713 5,317
Net income threshold for age amount38,893 39,586
 Adoption credit16,729 13,287
 Pension credit2,000 1,506
 Employment credit1,257 -
 Disability amount8,662 8,799
   -Supplementary if under 185,053 5,131
   -Reduced for child care2,959 3,006
   and disability supports
   deductions claimed by
   anyone in excess of
 Medical expense tax credit2,421 2,464
  -3% of net income ceiling80,710 82,148
 Education & Textbooks - full time0 -
  -part time0 -
 Tuition and education transfer5,000 -
 Old Age Security - threshold79,845 -
 to  repay
 Top rate of tax begins at216,511220,000
Lifetime capital gains exemption 892,218
Additional exemption for qualified farm or fishing property 107,782
Year 2020
 Basic personal amount--
 Basic personal amount - net income for the year is greater than or equal to the amount at which the 33% tax bracket begins12,298 10,783
 Basic personal amount - net income for the year is less than or equal to the amount at which the 29% tax bracket begins13,229 $ 10,783
 Spousal/equivalent-to-spouse - -
Spousal/equivalent-to-spouse - net income for the year is greater than the amount at which the 33% tax bracket begins12,2989,156
Spousal/equivalent-to-spouse - net income for the year is less than or equal to the amount at which the 29% tax bracket begins13,2299,156
Child under 18 - -
 Infirm dependant amount (over 18) 0 -
   -Net income threshold0 -
Caregiver amount for other infirm dependants age 18 or older7,276 5,083
Net income threshold for caregiver amount17,085 17,388
 Age amount7,637 5,264
Net income threshold for age amount38,508 39,194
 Adoption credit16,563 13,155
 Pension credit2,000 1,491
 Employment credit1,245 -
 Disability amount8,576 8,711
   -Supplementary if under 185,003 5,080
   -Reduced for child care2,930 2,976
   and disability supports
   deductions claimed by
   anyone in excess of
 Medical expense tax credit2,397 2,440
  -3% of net income ceiling79,911 81,335
 Education & Textbooks - full time0 -
  -part time0 -
 Tuition and education transfer5,000 -
 Old Age Security - threshold79,054 -
 to  repay
 Top rate of tax begins at214,368220,000
Lifetime capital gains exemption 883,384
Additional exemption for qualified farm or fishing property 116,616
Year 2019
 Basic personal amount $12,069$10,582
 Basic personal amount - net income for the year is greater than or equal to the amount at which the 33% tax bracket begins - -
 Basic personal amount - net income for the year is less than or equal to the amount at which the 29% tax bracket begins - -
 Spousal/equivalent-to-spouse 12,069 8,985
Spousal/equivalent-to-spouse - net income for the year is greater than the amount at which the 33% tax bracket begins - -
Spousal/equivalent-to-spouse - net income for the year is less than or equal to the amount at which the 29% tax bracket begins - -
Child under 18 - -
 Infirm dependant amount (over 18) 0 -
   -Net income threshold0 -
Caregiver amount for other infirm dependants age 18 or older7,140 4,988
Net income threshold for caregiver amount16,766 17,063
 Age amount7,494 5,166
Net income threshold for age amount37,790 38,463
 Adoption credit16,255 12,910
 Pension credit2,000 1,464
 Employment credit1,222 -
 Disability amount8,416 8,549
   -Supplementary if under 184,909 4,985
   -Reduced for child care2,875 2,921
   and disability supports
   deductions claimed by
   anyone in excess of
 Medical expense tax credit2,352 2,395
  -3% of net income ceiling78,388 79,818
 Education & Textbooks - full time0 -
  -part time0 -
 Tuition and education transfer5,000 -
 Old Age Security - threshold77,580 -
 to  repay
 Top rate of tax begins at210,371220,000
Lifetime capital gains exemption 866,912
Additional exemption for qualified farm or fishing property 133,088